Master The Hog Roast With Your OWN Hog Roast Machine Today!

For every single event we have attended over the last twenty plus years the star of the show has always been our mobile hog roasting machines. From the earliest models of your robust and reliable Titan machine to the more technically proficient and versatile modern Platinum models, these machines are key to all that we do here at Hog Roast Machine. At Hog Roast Machine we encourage all to try the novel and brilliant experience of hog roast cooking. It’s a unique experience that creates even tastier results than your standard roasting methods, and with one of our machines available for rent or purchase you too could become a master hog roaster at home!

Hog Roast MachineNow the spit roast method of course may normally be difficult to do at home because traditionally it requires a larger outdoor space, and some might not like the idea of a putting up a fire pit in their back green, but with the Hog Roast Machine mobile roasting units this problem is eliminated entirely. Our state-of-the-art machines condense the entire process into an easy to move and use unit allowing for roast cooking anywhere with ease – it even works indoors! It is also extremely easy to set and forget, as it where, since once you have your meat or other roast prepped with seasoning you merely need to get it on the spit and get it going, it’ll take care of the rest! Just check in on it from time to time to make sure it is still working nicely and after around 4-6 hours you’ll have a perfect roast ready for carving and serving! You’ll impress all future guests, and will be making the Sunday night roast an even better dinnertime experience than usual!

If this is the thing for you then why not rent one of our Hog Roast Machine machines now, or if you are ready to commit fully to the roast life then buy straight from us too! We can set you up with the right model for your needs and provide full training to get you going. If purchasing then you’ll also have access to our in-house manufacturing station for regular upkeep, replacement parts and repairs with an immediate turnaround. It’s the best deal in all of roast dining, so come on over today!