A Quick Guide To Keeping Your Hog Roast Machine’s In Peak Condition Over The Winter Season

It doesn’t matter if you have purchased a brand-new hog roaster from us, or a fantastic reconditioned one, if you want to make sure yours continues to perform at maximum capacity for a long time to come you need to take good care of it over the winter season. Whether your machine is going to see a lot of action over Christmas, you are worried you’ll have bad weather to contend with or you just feel like it needs a bit of TLC, here is Hog Roast Machine’s quick guide to keeping your hog roaster in top-tip condition over winter and beyond.

Protecting it from the elements

Hog Roast MachinesOur Hog Roast Machines’ are robust enough to be used all year round in just about any type of setting, but you can minimise your machine’s exposure to wind, rain (and maybe even snow, depending on where you are catering) by bringing along a catering gazebo to cook under. Also, because our machines are completely mobile and most models come on wheels, you can prepare the hog in a well-ventilated indoor space and then simply wheel it into a different position ready for service. Liaising with your clients about these considerations will ensure you can continue cooking up a storm all winter without worrying about being caught in one!

Keeping it clean

Cleaning your hog roaster properly, thoroughly, and with the most effective cleaning materials after each use is one of the best things you can do to keep it in great condition. From an initial wipe down with a cloth to a good scrub with scotch pads or a full deep clean, experiment with using different methods and materials until you find the right balance for your equipment.

Treating your machine to a winter makeover

If you have a bit of down time in the quiet period after Christmas, it is definitely worth considering getting your sander out for the ultimate way of getting your hog roaster panels, gleaming and looking as good as new. Obviously, this takes a fair bit of time and effort, but the results are well worth it.

Getting a full service

Hog Roast Machine are here for all your maintenance and service needs. You can bring your hog roaster along to our workshop for a full service or give us a call for some expert advice about cleaning, maintenance and winter care for your machine.